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Skopje Fashion Week, day ONE: Elena Luka

Skopje Fashion Week, 19th of October 2011 - 1st day

Elena Luka
''Fashion Force''

Elena showed massive collection of 80 models that focus on the references taken from the 40s, post-war fashion and militaristic style. Most models resembled the military suit with exaggerated epaulettes, gold buttons and emblems, even the evening toilets have ''war influence''.

Skopje Fashion Week, day ONE: Nikola Eftimov

Skopje Fashion Week, 19th of October 2011 - 1st day

Nikola Eftimov
''Recycled Shadows: Harajuku Flea Market 24/7''

Inspired by the street fashion of area Harajuku, Tokyo Nikola Eftimov make successful comeback on the catwalk with a collection that is extraordinary mixture of styles, cuts, materials, colors, patterns... For his brand new fashion story called "Recycled shadows: Harajuku flea market 24/7," he had help of his assistant, designer Alexandra Jovanovska. Usually mix of several styles are getting dangerously close to kitsch aesthetics, but the established designer skillfully bypass this trap representing nice creations laced with humor and irony. His creations are inspired by Japanese street fashion, but perfectly match the energy of young Macedonians. Details are an important part of individual style, so Eftimov rounds off his collection with many fashion accessories like hats, winter fur, badges, hair ornaments, necklaces, bags, funny slogans and inscriptions.
[karmakasha, К. Трајановска]

Nina by D. Tolevski

Nina Ristovska
@Dalibor Tolevski Photography

Risto S/S 2012

Дизајнер: Ристо Бимбилоски
Designer: Risto Bimbiloski

Фотографија: Лепа Георгиевска
Photography: Lepa Georgievska

Стајлинг: Горан Сиџимовски
Styling: Goran Sidjimovski

Модел: Ана Калачоска
Model: Ana Kalachoska (english pronunciation)

Асистент на фотографија: Мишо Ристов
Photo. asistent: Misho Ristov

Шминка и фризура: Марија Ленчевска
Make-up & hair: Marija Lenchevska
Macedonia's Runways | TNB